OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T have finally received the much-anticipated Face Unlockfeature that had been teased since late December. The advanced feature comes with the latest OxygenOS Open Beta builds that also add support for Airtel VoLTE in India. Alongside the new releases for the 2016 models, OnePlus has released new Open Beta versions for the OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 5T.
OnePlus has developed OxygenOS Open Beta 30 for the OnePlus 3 and OxygenOS Open Beta 21 for the OnePlus 3T. Both the new versions include the Face Unlock feature that was initially designed for the OnePlus 5T and later released for OnePlus 5 via a recent Open Beta build. As its name suggests, the Face Unlock feature allows users to unlock the smartphone by using their faces.
This comes as an addition to the original fingerprint unlocking method that uses a built-in sensor to match fingerprint patterns of users. Notably, OnePlus’ Face Unlock feature is designed to offer an experience similar to Apple’s Face ID that has so far been offered on the iPhone X. However, the latter utilises the proprietary TrueDepth camera hardware, while the former is just a software tweak and recognises faces using the front-facing camera sensor of the supported devices.
You can install the OxygenOS Open Beta versions on your OnePlus devices by flashing the respective builds into the smartphone. It is recommended to back up your data as all the stored data will be lost during the flashing process. OnePlus has provided its flashing guides to help you easily install the new version. Moreover, the new ROM versions are also available for download from the OnePlus site.